Baruch House Publishing here announces its undertaking to republish the Matthew Bible — the original English Bible, first published in 1537 — with its commentaries and notes, edited for the 21st century. We, upon whom the ends of the ages have come, have need of this pure translation in all its faithfulness, and also the teachings and warnings of this martyrs’ Bible.

If God is willing, Baruch House will republish the complete 1537 Matthew Bible. This important Bible of the English Reformation was the work of three Englishmen, William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale, and John Rogers. We are working from an original 1549 reprint of the Matthew Bible. It will be minimally edited (we call it a "gentle update") for modern readers. In 2016, we completed the New Testament, published as "The October Testament." In 2024 we published "The Five Books of Moses," or Pentateuch. Both books are available in our bookstore. We are targetting 2025-26 to fully complete the Old Testament, and hope to complete the apocryphal books too.
You can check out the October Testament scriptures for free at or through Olive Tree Bible Resources. The complete October Testament, including John Rogers' notes, is also available through Logos Bible Software. Or, just click on "Sample Scriptures" above to see some of the translations.
It was William Tyndale's most important work to translate the Holy Scriptures faithfully for English-speaking people so that, as he would say, they could read “the word of their soul’s health”. He wished to render it plainly so that even “the boy that drives the plough” could understand. In this spirit, Baruch House undertakes to render the Matthew Bible in more modern English, as plainly as God shall grant, while maintaining all its flavour, meaning, truth, and beauty. The complete work will be called the New Matthew Bible.
Why do we need another Bible version? This is not just another version. The Matthew Bible was the real primary version of the English Bible, upon which the King James Bible was based – which is why we call the Matthew Bible “the original Bible.” We hope to show in articles on this website and on, and in our publications, including The Story of the Matthew Bible, just how well God’s word is translated and annotated in the Matthew Bible, and how it brings needed light where winds of false doctrine have obscured God’s truth. This is an age when Bible versions proliferate. But many have weakened the Holy Scriptures. We believe it is God’s will to restore this translation, which has been forgotten and neglected for too long. It is a pure, faithful, and holy translation, which gives great insight into the mysteries of the faith and encourages godliness.
We pray that our labour will be a blessing unto many who share our love and faith, and also that it may please the Lord our God.
Updated August, 2024.
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Message from Ruth Magnusson, founder of the New Matthew Bible Project:
To those who wish to contribute financially, donations to the New Matthew Bible Project are accepted with sincere thanks.